PROTEZIONE UMANITARIA CON IRRETROATTIVITA' DEL D.L. 113/18 "L' attuale situazione politico-sociale del Ghana consente di ritenere che il ricorrente, una volta rientrato nel suo paese, si troverebbe in una condizione di specifica vulnerabilità."

Tribunale di Genova, provvedimento del 19 Dicembre 2018

Nel caso in esame, l’attuale situazione politico-sociale del Ghana, come sopra ricostruita, consente di ritenere che il ricorrente, una volta rientrato nel suo Paese, si troverebbe in una condizione di specifica estrema vulnerabilità (v. Cass. 3347/2015 v. anche Cass. 2018),idonea a pregiudicare la possibilità di esercitare i diritti fondamentali, atteso che la situazione in Ghana resta critica, dal punto di vista della salvaguardia dei diritti umani.

“Amnesty International reporting on events of 2015 state in a document issued in February 2016 that: “Excessive use of force by police was reported in the context of demonstrations and mass evictions. Torture and other ill-treatment continued to be reported and prison conditions remained a concern”.
An article on corruption in Ghana from The Africa Report magazine states: “Transparency International has ranked Ghana as the 56th least corrupt country in an index with 168 countries from across the world. Ghana's score of 47 placed it the seventh least corrupt country in Africa, in a development anti-graft campaigners say shows that the fight against corruption can be won. ‘The CPI [corruption perception index] 2015 scored Ghana 47 out of a clean score of 100 and ranked the country 56 out of 168 countries,’ Ghana Interegrity (sic) Initiative said in a statement on Wednesday. Omane Boamah, the government spokesperson, suggested that Ghana could have done even better on the index were it not for negative reports on alleged corruption in the judiciary and other departments. ‘Given that this is a perception survey, it stands to reason that the views expressed by respondents were based on what they heard about the subject in the year under review,’ Boamah said. ‘It also stands to reason, therefore, that the intense media focus on the allegations of corruption in the judiciary as well as the repetition of some obviously false allegations against government in 2015 contributed to the perception.’ Boamah said although Ghana's score was a point lower than the 2014 figure, it was still gratifying that the country was among those considered to be least corrupt in Africa.” (The Africa Report (28 January 2016) Ghana ranked seventh least corrupt in Africa)”.
In Ghana, peraltro, XXXX si troverebbe da solo, senza l’appoggio di alcun familiare, avendo perso ogni contatto con sua madre.

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